Cox Automotive team members held a fund-raising “sleepout” which raised more than £2,300 for housing and homelessness charity Shelter.
The automotive services organisation has chosen Shelter as its charity partner for the coming year. The sleepout, aimed at raising awareness and funds, was one in a series of events that Cox Automotive hopes will raise tens of thousands for the cause.
The event took place at Manheim Auction Services’ Bristol base. Volunteers armed only with sleeping bags had an uncomfortable night bedding down on the auction hall’s draughty floor. It highlighted the plight that so many people find themselves in when made homeless. A volunteer from Shelter attended before the sleepout started to tell team members about the struggles faced by people all over the UK and how the charity helps.
A Citroen donated by Hendy Group and auctioned by Manheim Auction Services contributed £1,100 to the total, while the rest came from sponsorship.
Sam Panayides, Cox Automotive’s Sales Director, joined 10 teammates for the sleepout.
She said: “The sleepout and talk from Shelter was a great way of discovering more about the charity's work and the plight faced by so many people in the UK. I feel so proud to be part of a team that was more than willing to take part and make its mark.
“Of course, when the event was finished, we could all return to our safe and comfortable homes, a luxury that millions of people, facing homelessness or unfit and unsafe housing, sadly do not have.”
Cox Automotive’s new charity partner, Shelter, helps people in housing need by providing advice and practical assistance. It campaigns for better investment in housing and for laws and policies to improve the lives of people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
You can donate to the campaign here.